A friend of mine illustrates children’s books http://www.patriciamoffett.com/, recently at lunch she related the various discussions she’d been having with her editor, one was about the colour of gold being used for a mermaid’s letterbox and the other had been about whether mermaids would have staircases in their homes. I immediately wanted to live in her world. Discussing décor and lifestyles of mermaids and fairies and pirates just seems such a wonderful world to live on a daily basis.
I suppose though on reflection my world isn’t so bad if a little less delightful than contemplating how a mermaid travels from the upper floor to the lower floor of her house.
At the moment I have three ideas in development. “In development” varies from floating around in my head, to flip-chart notes (I find big pages and big pens a huge asset to pushing and pulling an idea from my head to the page), to outlining. Blogs Home is in my head, Dirty To Me is being drawn out on a flip chart and Today is the day you’re going to die is being outlined. This is alongside all the research that I’m doing around these ideas at the moment. So at the moment I’m imaginatively undertaking the following – a beginners welsh class, a history lecture on Lancashire and Welsh witches, a sex therapy session, a female stand-up sex-based comedy act, an 18 year old girl losing her virginity, being stalked, being in a 35 year marriage and only having had sex three times and being a Chinese international student on her first day at university in Wales.
Still I can’t help myself being drawn back to the conclusion that mermaids would NEVER have stairs.
A mermaid would definitely have stairs in her house. They might not be stairs as we know them. Obviously they would be underwater (like the rest of the house), and they would probably have lots of irregular, differently sized holes that you can swim in and out of until you forgot whether you were going upstairs or downstairs. It's probably why mermaids are so dizzy. Oh, this is SO my world!!